
Current Projects- Statuses and Plans

 Hello, dear reader. I'm glad you're tolerating my sporadic posting, that's very good of you. You're as supportive an imaginary friend as I could ask for. Projects Thesis So, the main thing I'm working on at the moment is my PhD thesis. I've made the unfortunate decision to agree to present on my research at the end of next week, so that's put a bit of extra pressure on me regarding this at the current moment. Right now I have two papers written. These papers will end up comprising two chapters of my thesis. Where I am getting my degree requires three chapters, though I technically have four in the works. The second chapter is what I'm currently working on, despite it being mostly done. The last bit is taking more time than I imagined it would - currently I'm doing a bit of a literature review on the material just to make sure I have up to date references and can tie my research together with the wider topic better.  Chapter 3 is mapped out and parti

Imbalance and Uncertainty

 Hello, dear readers. I had meant to post a 2nd time last week, but fell behind on that. I apologize to all 0 of you for that. Yesterday I ran across a graphic that touched on the balance of current Games Workshop games (Just AoS and 40k), and since that's what had been on my mind I wanted to share my immediate thoughts and reactions to the current state of things, as it were. THE STATE OF THINGS As it were from what data we have that I personally haven't actually analyzed and looking at it through entirely biased and subjective lenses 40k win rates by faction Age of Sigmar win rates by faction So, for those of you who remember from last week, Age of Sigmar's balance was considered bad enough that GW released a points incentive for playing weaker armies and against playing powerful models. I was honestly impressed, however, at how balanced Age of Sigmar appears to be, at least compared to 40k. The first graphic there makes some assumptions about critical balance problems, a

Zen and the art of Balance

 Welcome back, dear reader. I'm still not sure how you found this, I'm fairly confident I'm the only one who knows about it. Today I want to discuss an oft discussed, and more often argued concept in gaming - Balance. There have been a few very recent turds in the punchbowl of balance as of the time of this writing, particularly with Games Workshop, but they won't be the only thing I talk about. I also hope to touch on some examples outside of miniatures, and look at some positive examples. Join me, won't you? Codex Creep This is a favorite topic among Warhammer players. Every month or two a new codex (book of rules) comes out for a different army in Warhammer 40k, and inevitably each codex is a little bit stronger. Or, rather, they're meant to be a little bit stronger. Some end up being a flop, and sometimes an army will spend multiple editions with mediocre rules. Currently, Chaos Space Marines are in this latter category. They weren't great in their last

Resolution Mechanics- How I learned to love the curve

Hello again, dear reader.  This post is taking me a lot longer than I anticipated to write. Despite having a lot of feelings on this topic, it turns out I needed to do a lot of research into it to actually feel comfortable expressing them.  Common Mechanics My first "minis" game was Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, which uses a d20 system. A task has a target number - armor class or skill check, a character has bonuses, roll a d20 and compare, trying to beat the target number. This is a pretty simplistic look into this mechanic, but at lower levels it's a fairly simple system. Most characters will make one attack a turn, hit or miss, and move on. The odds of any one number is the same as every other number - 5%. A +1 bonus increases your odds of success by 5%. It's a straight forward linear relationship between target number and probability of a success. 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons added in the advantage/disadvantage mechanic, which changed things up a little bit. He